Inter Club Event Ideas
Feb 01
The “Moments of Truth” manual suggests it is important for clubs to work together to hold special events where members meet members from other clubs. Bear in mind that this does not refer to standard Toastmasters events organized by areas, divisions or districts: contests, officer training and so on. No, this means several clubs working directly together to do something fun or educational.
The following inter club event ideas are compiled from a variety of individuals. Please feel free to add your own suggestions as comments!
Inter-Club Debates (you may want the Toastmasters International Debate Handbook)
Hat party: Multi-club holiday meeting: wear a hat, bring a gift.
Joint meetings
Joint open houses
Christmas party with multiple clubs
Mock wedding, invite multiple clubs
Multi-club screening of “Speak”
Traveling Mascots / Pirates of the Gavel / Banner Capture — this has many names and details vary across districts, but essentially an item (or several) move from club to club when someone visits a club. Club A has the object. Someone from Club B visits Club A and takes the object back to their club. Then someone from Club C can visit Club B to take it, and so on. Rules vary; some districts require a minimum number of visitors or that visitors have agenda roles.
District 55 runs a Traveling Mascot game.
Division “spotlight” meetings. Mid-level clubs were picked by the division governor, asked to plan a great meeting & invite lots of guests, and other division members come to help fill the room and give it energy.
XD, San Antonio’s humorous Toastmasters club, practices “club invasions.” Every month they work with a different club to run one of that club’s meetings in their own highly unusual and humor-focused style, using members from both clubs.